1963 | Born in Munich, living in Düsseldorf |
1985 | Study Kunstakademie Düsseldorf |
1989 | Awarded first prize Kunstort Düsseldorf, Kunstpalast Düsseldorf |
1991 | Awarded first prize, first international biannual exhibition Györ, Hungary |
1992 | Grant from the Foundation for Art and Culture, State North Rhine-Westphalia |
2006 | Grant from the Foundation for Art and Culture, State North Rhine-Westphalia |
from 2017 | Curator RAUM _ fuer _ RAUM / RAUM für Kunst _ Concepts, Projects, Participations www.raumfuerraum.net |
2020 | Start of ‘HIDDEN _ Project’ www.hiddenproject.de / ‘Global Art project’ |
2021 | Research Grant ‘New Start culture’ , ‘digital communication formats’ , The Federal Government Commissioner for Culture and the Media _ HIDDEN _ Messages |
Scholarship Holder, Ministry of Culture and Science of the State of North Rhine-Westphalia ‘nomansland.academy’ | |
2022 | Start of ‘nomansland.academy’ www.nomansland.academy / Global Art Project |
2023 | Start of ‘undress me my little B U D D H A’ www.globalart.academy / Global Art Project |
2024 | Invitation to participate in the 4th Jeju Biennale 2024 |
2025 | DO / d a t _ code, Schloss Mitsuko, Ger a collaboration Project with RfR / R J Düsseldorf |
Mothership _ return / ‘MOMBASA _ SHIPPING _ PROJECT’ _ VOL IX | |
'summer _ T I M E', KP Gallery (Korean Photographer Gallery) Seoul | |
'summer _ T I M E', Japanese Museum Schloss Mitsuko, Ger | |
2024 | 'Mombasa Shipping Project' _ Vol VIII, Kunsthaus NRW / Kornelimünster, Aachen, Ger _ Installation |
'undress me my little B U D D H A' goes France, 60 AdaDa Saint Denis / Paris _ Global Art Project | |
'undress me my little B U D D H A' goes Schloss Mitsuko, Ger _ Global Art Project | |
“undress me my little B U D D H A”, goes Mexico City, HASHI Gallery in cooperation ‘SPHERE Salón Internacional de Arte Contemporáneo II' _ ‘Global Art Project’ | |
2023 | “undress me my little B U D D H A”, goes Korea, IPO alternative art space, Seoul _ ‘Global Art Project’ |
“nomansland.academy”, Mexico City, SPHERE Salón Internacional de Arte Contemporáneo' _ ‘Global Art Project’ | |
2022 | “nomansland.academy”, goes Korea, IPO alternative art space, Seoul _ ‘Global Art Project’ |
“HIDDEN _ Messages” goes Mexico, HASHI Gallery, Mexico City _ ‘Global Art Project’ | |
2021 | “HIDDEN _ Messages” goes Sweden, AllArtNow, Stockholm _ ‘Global Art Project’ |
2020 | “HIDDEN _ Messages” a ‘Global Art Project’ starts in Cannes, France |
2019 | ‘GMT’ + goes Korea _ “Light, Art, Humanity“, [Daegu Art Factory] Global Art Project, Republic of Korea _ Multimedia Installation |
"Mombasa Shipping Project _ Vol. VI“, Schloss Mitsuko, Thürkow _ Multimedia Installation | |
"Mombasa Shipping Project _ Vol. V“, Galerie Peter Tedden & Matthias Erntges, Kranhalle Oberhausen _ Multimedia Installation | |
„Cubes & Boxes“ Schloss Mitsuko, Thürkow, RAUM _ fuer _ RAUM _ ‘Participation Art Project’ | |
2017 | "URBAN & Scapes", Matthias Erntges Galerie, Düsseldorf _ Installation |
2016 | "Khun Load", Museum Kloster Kamp, Kamp Lintfort _ Installation |
2015 | "LET_IT_BE", Weithorn Galerie, Düsseldorf _ Photography |
2014 | "Khun Load", Gallery Nectar, Tbilisi, Georgia _ Installation |
"Mombasa Shipping Project_Vol. IV" / "Light Box Archive_Vol. II", Kulturforum in Herz Jesu, Köln _ Multimedia Installation | |
2013 | "Mombasa Shipping Project_Vol. III", Kunstverein Langenfeld _ Installation |
“Light Box Archive Vol. I” / „Transition“ a Participation Art Project by Rainer Junghanns with Martti Aiha and Tobias Grewe, Forum Box Helsinki, Fin _ Multimedia Installation | |
„GMT + Container“ Blaue Nacht Nürnberg _ Multimedia Installation | |
2012 | „GMT + the Voyage in Sequences“ VideoBardo, Buenos Aires, Arg _ Video |
2011 | „GMT +“ / „Mombasa Shipping Project Vol. I“ LVR-LandesMuseum Bonn _ Multimedia Installation |
„Mombasa Shipping Project Vol. II“ / „Mothership“ Kunstverein Ulm _ Multimedia Installation | |
2010 | Galerie Nouvelles Images, Den Haag, Netherlands _ Photography |
2008 | Art Dubai by Galerie Thomas, Munich _ Photography |
2007 | „New Places“ Kunstmuseum Baden, Solingen _ Installation |
2006 | „Global Move“, PAN kunstforum niederrhein, Emmerich _ Installation |
2005 | „New Places_Presentation“, Ludwig Forum für internationale Kunst, Aachen |
„De La Terre”, Goethe-Institut Bordeaux, France _ Installation | |
“Consequences”, Centre of Contemporary Art Christchurch, NZ _ Installation | |
2004 | „Trans & Form“, Kunstforum Ostdeutsche Galerie, Regensburg _ Installation |
„New Table Groups“ Zentralinstitut für Kunstgeschichte München _ Installation | |
„Zeitsammler“ Marler Media Art Prize Exhibition, Museum Glaskasten Marl _ Video | |
„Zeitsammler“ Kunsthalle Bremen _ Video (Group) | |
2003 | „New Table Groups“, Städtische Galerie, Iserlohn _ Installation |
2002 | „Trans & Form“, Haus am Waldsee, Berlin _ Multimedia Installation |
„Trans & Form“, Haus der Kunst der Stadt Brünn, Czech Republic _ Installation | |
1999 | “Border & Line”, Centre of Contemporary Art, Christchurch, NZ _ Installation |
1997 | „Zeichnungen“, Museum Wilhemsburg, Schmalkalden _ Drawings |
1996 | “Zeichnungen” Municipal Gallery, Namur, Belgium _ Drawings & Installation |
1995 | Goethe Institute Palermo, Italy _ Drawings |
1994 | Palazzo Pinucci, Firenze, Italy _ Drawings & Installation |
1993 | Kultur und Informationszentrum der Republik Ungarn, Stuttgart _ Drawings |
Städtische Galerie Schloss Oberhausen _ Drawings | |
1992 | Xantus Museum Györ _ Drawings & Paintings |
1991 | Große Kunstausstellung NRW, Kunstpalast Düsseldorf (Group) _ Drawings |
St. Vitus Münster, Mönchengladbach _ Drawings |